Turku Wushu Kungfu Association


Autumn season 13.8.2024-16.12.2024

(Note dates in DD.MM.YYYY)

  • Junior elementary and basic course: 13.8.-10.12.2024 on Tuesdays between 17-18.
  • Junior intermediate course: 29.8.-12.12.2024 on Tuesdays and Thursdays between 17-18.


  • Adult elementary and basic course: 4.9.2024-12.12.2024 on Wednesdays and Thursdays between 18-19.30
  • Adult intermediate and advanced course: 5.9.-15.12.2024 on Thursdays 18-19.30 and Sundays 16.30-18


  • Acrobatics: 19.8.-16.12.2024 on Mondays between 19.30-21
  • Family kungfu: 1.9.-15.12.2024 on Sundays between 16.30-18

You may come try the adult elementary course four times free of charge.
Other courses may be tried twice free of charge. 


Courses are at the Sports Center Alfa, Raunistulantie 15 C, 20300 Turku. There’s a revolving gate on the second floor for which you’ll need a wristband to enter. Read more about the wristband at the end of this page. Enroll beforehand to valmentajat@twks.fi so that we know to expect you to let you in. The first few training sessions are free. Generally you may join even a month or two after the courses have begun.

Junior elementary and basic course (7-14 years)

On Tuesdays at 17-18 (tatamis 3 and 4)

Course fee 60 € which includes the wristband and a t-shirt. For people under 20 years old the entry is free with junior wristband.

Enroll beforehand valmentajat@twks.fi.

On the junior course we’ll practice Shaolin basic techniques, easy acrobatics, body control and flexibility through games and play.

Junior intermediate course

On Tuesdays at 17-18 (tatamis 3 and 4) and Fridays at 17-18 (tatami 5)

Adult elementary course

On Wednesdays at 18-19:30 (tatami 3) and Thursdays at 18-19:30 (tatami 1-2)

Course fee 60 € plus the entry fee 2 €/entry (for people under 20 years old the entry is free with junior wristband). The first time is free, after that we’ll charge you 2,5 €/entry if you don’t have the wristband.

Enroll beforehand valmentajat@twks.fi.

On the elementary course we’ll practice Shaolin basic techniques, body conditioning, body control and flexibility. Elementary course lasts about six months, after which the student is granted a white belt. Students should be at least 15 years old.

Adult basic course

On Wednesdays at 18-19:30 (tatami 3) and on Thursdays at 18-19:30 (tatami 1-2)

Course fee 60 € + the entry fee.

After elementary course practiser will move to basic course on which we’ll still practice basic techniques, body conditioning, body control and flexibility but also more advanced techniques, applications, forms and acrobatics. The basic course typically lasts at least a year during which the student can earn the yellow belt and the orange belt. After the student is granted the orange belt they are deemed ready for the intermediate course.

Adult intermediate and advanced course

On Thursdays at 18-19:30 (tatami 1-2) and on Sundays 16:30-18 at tatami 2.

Course fee 60 € + the entry fee.

After earning the orange belt, the student will move on to the intermediate course; this typically takes at least 1.5 years from the beginning of training. During the intermediate course we’ll practice advanced techniques, applications, forms, wushu weapons, acrobatics and still continue to develop body condition, body control and flexibility.

Trainee will move to advanced group when the coach decides that the trainee is ready for it. After this the practiser will focus on the things she/he is most interested in.


On Mondays at 19:30-21 at the gymnastic room. Acrobatics is an independent course on which you can participate even if you don’t practice wushu. However, knowing the basics of wushu is recommended.

Course fee 20 € + the entry fee.

Enroll beforehand valmentajat@twks.fi.

On the course we’ll practice basic acrobatics and more difficult moves characteristic to wushu. The level depends on the starting level of the practisers. We’ll also practice body control, cody conditioning and flexibility.

Family Kungfu 

On Sundays 16:30-18 at tatami 1.

Want to practice kungfu with your parent/child? This course is for you!

Course fee 20 € + the entry fee; if you have enrolled on another course (e.g. adult basic course, junior elementary course), you don’t need to pay a separate course fee for this course.

Summer Season 7.6.2023-30.8.2023

Training sessions are Wednesdays and Sundays 18-19.30 at Vätinpuisto (approximate address  Pyörämäentie 13) throughout June and August; no training is arranged during July. Elementary and basic course are taught the basics of staff and a basic gunshu-form; the advanced course will do basics of the spear, saber, or straight sword. In case you don’t have a staff or sword yet, contact your coach. The sessions are open to all members of the adult courses so long as you’ve paid your yearly membership fee (included in course fee), no enrollment or notification is needed, just show up to the session. Members of junior courses may discuss the possibility of joining the training with their coaches. In case the session needs to be cancelled (e.g. due to weather), the notification will be issued on our mailing list, Facebook, and WhatsApp groups.

The gate and the wristband

In the Sports Centre Alfa there is a closed gate and you’ll need a wristband for entry. You can buy the wristband from Impivaara Swimming Centre (Uimahallinpolku 4) after we have sent your personal details to the Centre. If you already have a wristband, you can use it after it has been registered to Alfa. Registration can take few days.

On the wristband you can load ten entries at a time (20€). The first load is done at the Impivaara Swimming Centre. Later you can load your wristband on the internet. Wristband will be loaded on the gate when you use it next time. Load needs to be done few hours beforehand and you have to use the wristband within the next 14 days after the load.

Wristband costs 8 € and one entry is 2 €. For people under 20 years the entry is free with the junior wristband. On the junior course wristbands there is an escorting feature which means that the escort can come in with the same wristband as the practiser. The escort cannot come to training however.